The scanning process
Snow Inventory Oracle Middleware Scanner performs the file system search in the same locations as the Snow Inventory Agent, configured in the Software element of the agent configuration file, snowagent.config
. For more information, see Agent configuration file.
For Linux, macOS, and Unix environments, the file system search will ignore all mounted drives with a file system type different from the root (/
) file system type, unless it is listed in <Software><IncludeCriteria><FileSystem>.
For Linux environments, the following fixed exclude paths are added to align the file search behavior with the Snow Inventory Agent:
/net/* | /panfs/* | /tmp/* | /boot/* |
/usr/include/* | /usr/share/* | /usr/src/* | /var/* |
For Linux environments, you can configure bind mounts and autofs mounts to be excluded from the scan. For Unix environments, you can configure bind mounts to be excluded from the scan. See Configure the agent to exclude bind mounts and autofs mounts from the scan in the Snow Inventory Agent for Linux user guide for a description of both configurations.
The inventory data collected by the scanner reflects a snapshot of the Oracle Middleware environment at the instant when the inventory scan is performed.
File scanning
The scanner searches for the following files:
*_InstallLog.log | *jazn-data.xml | *ubbc* | bdmconfig* |
beahomelist | biee-domain.xml | bips_version.txt | brioqry.exe | | comps.xml | config.xml | dmconfig* |
domain-registry.xml | essmsh | essmsh.exe | hrrunant.cmd |
JSconfig.xml | lic.txt | NQSConfig.ini | opmn.xml |
opmnctl | oracle-bi-shared.jar | portalconfig.xml | pthome.xml |
registry.xml | server.xml | sessions.xml | setupinfo.txt |
stopwebanalysis | stopwebanalysis0 | tuxconfig* | tuxwsvr.ini |
version.txt |
For Windows, files in paths containing the following will be ignored:
\\demo\\ | All Users | AppData | Collection\\bin\\output |
dmconfig.dl | Documents and Settings | gnome | javaee-tutorial |
patch_storage | Program Files | RECYCLER | samples |
staroffice | templates | tomcat | WINDOWS |
workshop4WP |
For Linux and Unix, files in paths containing the following will be ignored:
/demo/ | /demos/ | /gnome/ | /sample/ |
/samples/ | /staroffice | Collection/bin/output | eclipse/plugins/com.m7.nitrox.kodo |
javaee-tutorial | patch_storage | templates | tomcat |
File types and paths specified in the <Software><Exclude> section of the agent configuration file, snowagent.config, will not be included in the scan. Therefore, for the scanner to collect all the required files, you must make sure that the files listed in this section are not part of the <Software><Exclude> section.
Scanning active Oracle Middleware processes
The scanner requires permission to gather information related to Oracle Middleware product installations using the ps -eaf command. The scanner acquires information for the following processes:
apache | BBL | beasvc | beasvc64 |
beasvcX64 | DBBL | dis3 | dis4 |
dis51 | dis51pr | dis51ws | dwfde61 |
f45des | f45run | f50dbg32 | f50run32 |
f60 | f90 | frmweb | GWWS |
httpd | ifbld60 | ifbld90 | ifcgi60 |
ifcmp60 | ifcmp90 | ifctrl60 | ifdbg60 |
ifrun60 | ifsrv60 | ifwdb60 | ifweb60 |
ifweb90 | imapds | iooomgrrmi | java |
javaw | jmc | jre | jrmc |
JSH | JSL | nodemanager | nqsserver |
oad | odisrv | ofcguard | oidldapd |
oidmon | oidrepld | opmn | oraclesvc |
r30cli32 | r30con32 | r30isv32 | r30qmu32 |
r30rbe32 | r30rqm32 | r30run32 | r30sxc32 |
r30sxu32 | rwbld60 | rwbuilder | rwcgi60 |
rwcli60 | rwcon60 | rwconverter | rwisv60 |
rwmts60 | rwqmu60 | rwrbe60 | rwrqm |
rwrqm60 | rwrun60 | rwserver | rwsxc60 |
rwsxu60 | startNodeManager | startWebLogic | startWLS |
TMJAVASVR | TMMETADATA | vdeserver | webcache |
webcachea | webcached | wlsvc | wlsvc64 |
wlsvcX64 |
Identifying drives and drive types
To correctly identify available drives and drive types the scanner uses the following commands:
Platform | Command |
Windows | wmic logicaldisk get DeviceID, DriveType |
Linux, Unix | df -T |
Identifying running Oracle Middleware components
To correctly identify running Oracle Middleware components, the following command is used:
- opmnctl status