Package Builder on Snow Atlas 2023
Here you can find the release notes for Package Builder on Snow Atlas 2023.
Package Builder is available on Snow Atlas. You can find the documentation Package Builder on Snow Atlas in the Snow Atlas documentation. Package Builder release notes uses [Year].[Calendarweek] to present you a weekly summary of changes.
2023.50 latest
Release date: 2023-12-14
Package Builder
Upload additional files
* Users now have access to the *Upload additional files* section in Package Builder on Snow Atlas. Uploading custom files allows to add custom scripts or certificates to the builds, configuring the scan schedule on Linux or adding post-installation and pre-uninstallation scripts on Linux, Unix and MacOS.
You can read more about this feature on [Snow Docs: Package Builder on Snow Atlas - Additional files and scripts|] .
With that, all Package Builder users can create packages the same way as Snow Software.
Package builder
- The option to change the expiry date was removed. All successful built packages will be available for 30 Days.
Release date: 2023-12-01
Package Builder
- The agent configuration templates have been moved into the public GitHub repository . A readme has been added, describing the default behavior of each Snow Inventory Agent and everything needed to get started with agent configurations. Besides the default tools within GitHub to track changes, there is also a changelog. You can even create Pull Requests or Issues.
Release date: 2023-11-20
Package Builder
- Whitespaces can now be included in filenames of uploaded files, without causing the package build to fail.
Release date: 2023-11-20
Package Builder
Agent for macOS
- Installation packages for Snow Inventory Agent for macOS will from now on contain the package version to simplify package management.
Release date: 2023-10-05
Package Builder
- The Package Builder is now available in every tenant on Snow Atlas and does not require a special SKU.
Release date: 2023-09-25
Package Builder
- The user now can display contents of uploaded non-binary files, like configuration files, directly in Package Builder, instead of downloading the package first.
Release date: 2023-08-30
Package Builder
Agent for macOS - Send scan result every hour
- The Snow Inventory Agent for macOS is now trying to send unsent inventory files every hour at minute 30 towards configured endpoints. The feature “Send scan results every hour” is included per default in new Package Builder builds for Snow Inventory Agent for macOS 6.11.1 and later. Read more on Snow Docs - Scanning Modules .
Release date: 2023-07-19
Package Builder
Agent for Linux - Packages support upgrades
- The Package Builder will now create Snow Inventory Agent for Linux packages supporting up- and downgrades (IDEAS-I-1720). Supported 3rd Party deployment tools are yum and apt.
- For RPM it is required to uninstall previous installations before installing the new package, what then supports that feature.
- For DEB a uninstallation is not required.
Release date: 2023-06-13
Package Builder
Step-up authentication
- When creating Snow Inventory Agent packages, Package Builder users can upload custom files in the Scanning Modules section. Files that are in another format than XML will prompt users to authenticate themselves. More than one package can be included in the same authentication process.
Release date: 2023-06-01
Package Builder
View and download configuration files included in Snow Inventory Agent packages
* Package Builder users can now see the list of uploaded files which were included in an already created Snow Inventory Agent package. The users also have the option to download one or several of these files and can then use tools on their computer to view the content.
Release date: 2023-05-23
Package Builder
Agent for Linux - Clearer ownership of cron entries
- When installing Snow Inventory Agent for Linux using an installation package created via Package Builder, the installer now adds an entry to /etc/cron.d instead of writing to the root user’s cron tab. This makes the ownership of the cron jobs clearer. The change applies to all versions of the agent available in Package Builder. (04624933)
Release date: 2023-01-25
Package Builder
Package Builder on Snow Atlas is available to Partners as part of the Partner Service Layer
Package Builder
Introducing checksum for all packages
- Checksum is now available for all created packages and may be requested for each specific package by choosing “Copy to clipboard”. A third-party tool may then be used to verify the validity of the package.
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