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Snow Automation Platform 3

Here you can find the release notes for Snow Automation Platform 3. You can find the old release notes on the Flexera Community.

3.17.0 latest

Release date: 2025-02-12


Request archiving

  • Introduced a new Request Archiving module to enhance performance by reducing load through archiving old requests. You can enable or disable this feature. You can also specify the age of requests to be archived and schedule the archiving process.

  • Added a dedicated Archive Monitor page for users to view and filter archived requests.



  • Enhanced error handling to prevent showing unnecessary data when errors occur.

Scheduled tasks
Optimized data fetching

  • Optimized the fetching of request activity data during the execution of Scheduled Tasks.



  • Fixed an issue where the home page catalog would not load properly for users authenticated via Azure AD.


  • Labels in accessibility mode are now correctly assigned to their corresponding buttons.


  • Upgraded jQuery from version 1.12.0 to 3.6.0.

PowerShell web services

  • Fixed an issue where PowerShell Webservice input was truncated if the input length exceeded 100 characters.

Scheduled tasks

  • Resolved an issue where logs for Scheduled Tasks were not deleting properly, causing longer page load times.
  • The Cycle Log field now functions correctly, allowing users to specify the number of log cycles they want to retain.

Task monitor

  • Fixed an issue where users were unable to use sorting and filtering on the Task Monitor page.


  • Fixed an issue where pagination was not functioning correctly on the Task Monitor page.


Release date: 2024-06-19


Package maintenance

  • Regular maintenance of packages, security updates, vulnerability fixes and removed deprecated functions.

Input directives

  • Added datepicker that starts by asking year, then month, then day. This adds a different option for the user experience that makes more sense for some scenarios.

PowerShell web services
Object properties format validation

  • Added format validation of Referenceable properties to prevent faulty format on save.



  • Issues when saving configuration in Service admin and Workflow admin that caused different or corrupt configuration to be saved have now been corrected.

Authorization admin

  • It is now possible to add roles to pages under Page permissions in Authorization admin as intended.

Input directive

  • Date picker is now shown on top of other elements, this was previously a problem in places like Request monitor.

Service catalog

  • It is now possible to expand and collapse categories as intended.



  • Removed CharacterAllowList in sanitizer.json.


Release date: 2024-05-08


Activity Admin
Updated legacy EXE activities


Version 3.15.0 does to work with old versions of the EXE activities.

Configurable sanitizer option

  • To allow custom level of sanitization on input to PowerShell WebServices we have added an option to configure what you want to allow as input. See documentation for more information.

This version of Automation Platform has raised the level of sanitization from previous version, and you might need to adapt the setting or your PowerShell Services.

Dedicated OIDC configuration file

  • Customer-specific configuration for OpenID Connect is now located in a dedicated file. This is to prevent the configuration from being overwritten by future updates.

Version 3.15.0 will overwrite the current web.config file. See documentation for updated instructions on how to configure OpenID Connect.

Package maintenance

  • Regular maintenance of packages, security updates, vulnerability fixes and removed deprecated functions.

Descriptive page title

  • The title of the browser tab now represents the page you are currently viewing. This will help you identify what view each browser tab is showing without the need to click through them.



  • Parameter object references from workflow level configuration now appear correctly in the Add reference window on service level configuration.


  • PowerShell web service configured parameters should now correctly trigger on ValueDisplayname changes.


  • Referencing a hidden PowerShell web service configured parameter or an empty parameter will now retrieve the value and no longer break the checkout view.

Input directives

  • Resolved issue and Input directives can now be created in the front end.

My tasks

  • Functionality to save non-mandatory information on My tasks restored.

Request Monitor

  • Filtering on strings that contain certain characters now work as designed.

Service Catalog

  • The Share button now copies the correct URL to the clipboard.


  • Styling is improved to not partially hide the category name in some situations.


  • The input field for the data range is removed. To set a custom date range, select the Filter data button, edit the report data, and then select Update chart once updated.


Scheduled tasks

  • You can no longer set scheduled tasks to run at an interval of X minutes. The option is removed.


Release date: 2023-12-13


Debug logging mode

  • Created configurable debug mode for additional logging of application.

Optimized reading My Tasks information from API

  • Improved logic to read My Tasks information from API to increase performance when browsing through the application as well as overall performance.

Package maintenance

  • Regular maintenance of packages, security updates, vulnerability fixes and removed deprecated functions.

NOTE: This update will replace config files listed, but not limited to. If you have changed the default configuration of these, confirm backups before updating. Files: Snow.SnowAutomationPlatform.WorkflowEngine.exe.config, Web\Web.config, Api\Web.config, Documentation\Web.config.

Authorization Admin
Stricter role naming rules

  • Application now does not allow for backslash in role names, as this caused an error in some parts of the application.

My Tasks
Save input on tasks

  • It is now possible to save input on a Task, until all required information has been entered, to allow you to leave and revisit the task at a later stage and not lose your input.



  • Custom sidebar JavaScript now loads correctly.


  • Improved styling to allow for long usernames that previously blocked the Service Catalog search field.


  • Installer now correctly validate domain of service accounts.

My Services

  • Application now correctly shows “No service properties available” when using Inventory Services.

My Tasks

  • Translation now possible for date column on My Tasks.


Release date: 2023-10-11


Announcement Banner Message

  • You can now set a custom message to be displayed at the top of the self-service portal to get important messages highlighted to end-users viewing Automation Platform. For example upcoming maintenance or recent important events.

Import/Export translations

  • You can now export system translations and work and collaborate on them in bulk, and then when completed import the modified translations back into AP.


Package maintenance

  • Regular maintenance of packages, security updates, vulnerability fixes and removed deprecated functions.

NOTE: This update will replace config files listed, but not limited to. If you have changed the default configuration of these, confirm backups before updating. Files: Snow.SnowAutomationPlatform.WorkflowEngine.exe.config, Web\Web.config, Api\Web.config, Documentation\Web.config.

Updated styling aligned with Snow standards

  • Changed color scheme, background, corners and some visibility updates.

WiX v4

  • AP now uses latest version of WiX Installer.

Request Monitor
Filtering request against Service Request Instance Id

  • Administrators can now filter on the Service Request Instance Id in Request Monitor and get better identification of individual items in a request.



  • Added required permissions for Status EventLog.

Exporting Automation Books

  • Fixed issue that when using OIDC configuration and trying to export anything it will require additional windows authentication. Note: Accounts still needs to be configured in the api\web.config “windowsAuthenticationAllowedAccounts” parameter.

Express Checkout

  • Not showing costs for services now also hides the cost from the Express Checkout presentation.


  • Placeholder text in the front-end is now included in the translation feature. This will help you better describe your company specific use case and requirements, for example the search text box in Service Catalog from default placeholder text from “Search” to “Find software”.

My Requests

  • Filter on My Requests page can now be filtered on the translated value as well.


Release date: 2023-06-28


Item focus button

  • Added button to filter on specific Activity/Workflow/Service to help you focus on the specific item you are working on.

Stronger security

  • Updated multiple packages to strengthen security.

Category admin
Move category

  • When you are organizing the categories, you can now move existing categories in the tree instead of having to create a new category and reassigning all the services.

Service Catalog
Share service button

  • Added button that copies the direct link to the service to clipboard to help you easily share a specific service with other users.


Category admin

  • Redundant scrollbar arrows were removed.

Input directives

  • Replaced deprecated angular function with new one.

Service admin

  • You can now filter correctly on the sub-category, regardless of location in tree.


  • Added configuration to prevent issues with MIME types for markdown (.md) filetypes in newer versions of the webserver, IIS.


Release date: 2023-05-03


Packages updated to latest versions

  • Packages updated to latest versions, which will improve stability, performance, and security of the entire application.

NOTE: This update will replace config files listed, but not limited to. If you have changed the default configuration of these, confirm backups before updating. Files: Snow.SnowAutomationPlatform.WorkflowEngine.exe.config, Web\Web.config, Api\Web.config, Documentation\Web.config.

Improved visibility for description tool tip

  • Changed tool tip default background color to increase readability.

New release notes format

Express checkout
Improved express checkout design

  • Improved express checkout popup design by adding a description to be visible at checkout.



  • Added background color styling to increase the visibility of tabs that are not selected.

Input directives

  • The datepicker design is now aligned to the new product styling introduced in Automation Platform 3.10.0.

Workflow Admin

  • Activity library now expands correctly in relation to the available window size.


Support for mobile devices

  • Support for mobile devices in Automation Platform has been discontinued.


Release date: 2023-02-01


Administer: Request Monitor
Request Tags

  • Added new module Request Tags. Users can now add tags for one or more parameter on Workflow/Service level. Requests can then be filtered on value per tagged parameter in Request Monitor. This enables you to, for example, tag parameters with “Cost Center” and then find all requests where “Cost Center” is equal to “887766”.


Improved navigation

  • Added buttons to easier navigate between activity, workflow and service admin.
  • Rearranged action buttons for services in Service Admin.

Show parameter data type

  • Added tooltip when hovering parameter name to show what parameter type it is.

Administer: Scheduled Task
Run scheduled tasks on day of week or month

  • Scheduled task can now also be scheduled on specific weekdays(s) or specific day(s) of month, or a combination of the two.

Scheduled task failed options

  • Added “Continue on error“ property in scheduled tasks. If selected the next occurrence of the scheduled task will be set to run even if it has completed with error. If not set, the scheduled task will be set to inactive.
  • Added “Last run status“ to show if last run of the scheduled task was completed successfully or with error in the list view.

Checkout information retained

  • Checkout cart does not lose user parameters input while you remain on the page. Now changing cart item quantity or navigating through application does not reset checkout parameter values to default.

Service Catalog
Category description

  • Added description for categories in Category admin. Description will be visible in Service Catalog. This is useful to inform end user about things like target audience for the the category and useful information related to the group of services in the category.

Checkout options

  • Added option to enable “Express checkout” and “Add to cart” separate from each other. You can now enable both methods, one or the other, or none. If no option is enabled, then the service will be effectively disabled for request, but still visible to end users.

Improved implementation process

  • The SLM (Snow License Manager) Integration module is now included when installing the product.

OpenID Connect documentation

  • Instructions on configuring Open ID Connect (OIDC) is added to documentation. OIDC is an identity layer on top of the Oauth 2.0 protocol, which allows end-user identification using an external identity provider.

Updated user interface

  • Improved the design of the user interface to align with the Snow Software portfolio and modern design. Highlights: New Snow Logo, New color theme, Overall rounded corners and background image.


Administer: Activity Admin

  • Stopped “Add activity” from creating the activity if the file format was flagged as invalid. This will prevent corrupted activities from being created in the system.

Administer: Scheduled Tasks

  • Corrected behavior to keep the amount of log cycles according to the configured value for a Scheduled Task. Configured amount of log cycles will now be kept.

License management

  • Improved behavior around cached license information. License information can now be replaced without restart of application. (04356593)


  • Improved search module to allow common special characters. Now, characters like “&” does not break the search query in places like “Service Catalog” and “Service Admin”.


  • Replaced breaking behavior to support Safari.

Workflow Engine

  • Added confirmation step of expected status for a process in the activity lifecycle process. Now we don’t flag a activity with error, if the expectation has changed during the process step.


System requirements
Supported browsers updated

  • Support for all versions of Internet Explorer has ended.


Release date: 2021-12-10

Distribution method: Snow Update Service and Installation package

Download release notes here



  • The new function Get-APSettingArray retrieves the value of a setting from the database in the array object.


  • The new function Get-APPortalBaseAddress retrieves the PortalBaseAddress value setting from the global variable, or in the case of the -ForceDatabase parameter specified, it will be retrieved from the database.



  • When the mandatory value related to activities is missing when saving the activity in the database, instead of the request hanging in the status Processing request…, it will now end in the status Error, and all related activities will be cleared.


  • Documentation for Cmdlets in the IgapCore PowerShell module expected in Automation Platform version 3.9.1 is now completely released (delivery was delayed due to technical issues). This comment-based documentation provides more cmdlet information, available when you use the PowerShell Get-Help command.

Flexera does not own the third party trademarks, software, products, or tools (collectively, the "Third Party Products") referenced herein. Third Party Product updates, including user interface updates, may not be reflected in this content.