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Snow Inventory Oracle Scanners Install Tools Repository 1

Here you can find the release notes for Snow Inventory Oracle Scanners Install Tools Repository 1.

1.0.0 latest

Release date: 2024-06-19

Oracle Scanners Post-Install Scripts


The responsibility of the post-install scripts is to schedule the execution of the Oracle scanners that were deployed by the agent installation package.
Since the Oracle scanners are based on Java technology, a valid Java installation is required on the target environment. The post-install scripts will try to detect valid Java installation in this order:

  • As part of the "env.java_home" key setting in the snowagent.config file
  • Set as SNOW_JAVA_HOME environment variable
  • Set as JAVA_HOME environment variable
  • By using the "which java" command, which will return the Java binary that is part of the PATH environment variable

With the found Java installation path, the post-install script will create two additional scripts:

  • Launcher script, which will be set as a cron job to execute the appropriate scanner
  • Dry-run script, which will be used to verify that the appropriate scanner is properly set up. It is triggered by the post-install script and executes the scanner with the “-version“ option. This verifies that the scanner is properly set up and the found java installation path is valid

The scheduling of the Launcher script will be done by using the snowcron script, which is part of the agent installation package for Linux and Unix. Different execution times can be provided by using cron configuration files. Default cron configuration for each scanner is as follows:

  • siohwscron.conf - “0 17 * * *
  • siomscron.conf - “0 18 * * *
  • sijscron.conf - “0 19 * * *

Each of the scripts (post-install, launcher, dry-run) will log important events in its own log file and additionally, it will provide execution status in form of dynamic inventory metadata json on the following location:

  • Under Linux: /var/run/SnowSoftware/Inventory/Agent/script-output/
  • Under Unix: /var/tmp/SnowSoftware/Inventory/Agent/script-output/

This additional dynamic inventory metadata will be packed in a snowpack on the next agent execution and will be transferred to the inventory server by the agent.

NOTE: Snow Inventory Oracle Scanner (SIOS) execution is dependent on the Snow Inventory Agents. For this scanner, the post-install script will not create a Launcher script and a cron job will not be created.

Scanner nameScript nameDescription
Snow Inventory Oracle Scannersnow_post_install_sios.shDetects valid java installation and creates dry-run script for SIOS by using the dry-run template
Snow Inventory Oracle ScannerSIOSDryrun.template-shTemplate used by the post-install script to create the dry-run script for SIOS
Snow Inventory Oracle Hardware Scannersnow_post_install_siohws.shDetects valid java installation and creates dry-run and launcher scripts for SIOHWS. Sets the launcher script as a cron job
Snow Inventory Oracle Hardware ScannerSIOHWSDryrun.template-shTemplate used by the post-install script to create the dry-run script for SIOHWS
Snow Inventory Oracle Hardware ScannerSIOHWSLauncher.template-shTemplate used by the post-install script to create the launcher script for SIOHWS
Snow Inventory Oracle Hardware Scannersnow_pre_uninstall_siohws.shRemoves the cron job for SIOHWS
Snow Inventory Oracle Middleware Scannersnow_post_install_sioms.shDetects valid java installation and creates dry-run and launcher scripts for SIOMS. Sets the launcher script as a cron job
Snow Inventory Oracle Middleware ScannerSIOMSDryrun.template-shTemplate used by the post-install script to create the dry-run script for SIOMS
Snow Inventory Oracle Middleware ScannerSIOMSLauncher.template-shTemplate used by the post-install script to create the launcher script for SIOMS
Snow Inventory Oracle Middleware Scannersnow_pre_uninstall_sioms.shRemoves the cron job for SIOMS
Snow Inventory Java Scannersnow_post_install_sijs.shDetects valid java installation and creates dry-run and launcher scripts for SIJS. Sets the launcher script as a cron job
Snow Inventory Java ScannerSIJSDryrun.template-shTemplate used by the post-install script to create the dry-run script for SIJS
Snow Inventory Java ScannerSIJSLauncher.template-shTemplate used by the post-install script to create the launcher script for SIJS
Snow Inventory Java Scannersnow_pre_uninstall_sijs.shRemoves the cron job for SIJS


The post-install scripts were tested and confirmed to be working on the following Linux/Unix shells:

  • Bourne Shell (sh)
  • Bourne-Again Shell (bash)
  • Korn Shell (ksh)

NOTE: If “/bin/sh“ is a symlink to another shell, in order for the post-install scripts to work, that symlink should be pointing to one of the above mentioned shells


When requesting new agent installation package, make sure to include the following attachments for each Oracle scanner in the package builder:

  • Install script
  • Dry-run script
  • Launcher script (not available for SIOS)
  • Cron configuration (not available for SIOS)
  • Uninstall script (not available for SIOS)

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