Snow Inventory Server 5
Here you can find the release notes for Snow Inventory Server 5. You can find the old release notes on the Flexera Community.
5.4.2 latest
Release date: 2019-03-05
- Pre-recognized software rows created by external data sources are no longer generating a duplicate key in object errors. Hashing has been extended beyond the first 100 characters to the entire product name ensuring unique entries (PRB0040341).
- Processing of snowpack files now ignores duplicate user login entries to ensure that primary key violation errors are no longer generated (PRB0041653).
- Hostname only mode has been modified to identify different types of agent reporting for the same hostname, ensuring that correct network topologies are created (PRB0041654).
- Applications installed on a Windows computer that is neither a server nor virtual desktop infrastructure (VDI) is no longer incorrectly tagged as Terminal Server (TS) applications (PRB0041666). This correction is also supported in Snow Inventory Server version 6.0.1 and higher.
- Additional error handling has been added to prevent incorrect processing of application pathnames containing a period (.). Such pathnames are now correctly interpreted, and a corresponding software row for the application is created in the Inventory database (PRB0041931).
- If a name cannot be retrieved for a web application, then it is not possible to extract metering for that application. Additional error handling has been added to log such scenarios, ensuring that the Data Update Job no longer fails when it tries to process empty application names, as such entries will no longer be stored in the Inventory database (PRB0041992).
- Virtual machines (VMs) running on Red Hat Linux environments are now correctly recognized as such (PRB0042115).
- Snowpack files are now processed by Snow Inventory Server in chronological order ensuring that errors logged due to processing on a first come first served basis no longer arise (PRB0040756). This correction is also supported in Snow Inventory Server version 6.0.1 and higher.
Release date: 2018-06-28
All external libraries used by Inventory Server have been updated to maintain compatibility and ensure that the latest vulnerability patches have been applied.
- When Inventory Server receives an inventory scan file including a data row with invalid encoding, the row will now be converted with valid encoding (UTF-8) and the scan file will be processed fully.
- To limit the scope of user and computer discovery, it is now possible to use LDAP paths with OU (Organizational Unit) and CN (Common Name) fields during the setup of Active Directory Discovery in the Admin Console.
- When creating identities for discovered objects, additional parameters are now included in discovery data, improving the ability to uniquely identify devices.
- The identity management of Inventory Servers (Master Server and Service Gateways) now prevents new server objects from being created in the Snow Inventory database when hardware information is changed. To delete existing duplicates, please contact our Support.
- The values for total disk size and free disk space are now showing correctly in the device overview page in the Admin Console; for drives of types Local Fixed Disk and Fixed Disk Drive.
- Naming of processor elements AGENT_LOG and SWID_TAG have been re-aligned with Snow’s uppercase naming format.
Release date: 2018-04-05
- Simplified migration from Inventory 3 with new upgrade wizard.
- Ability to set up a standalone Inventory Server.
New system settings for Inventory Agents for Windows have been added to the Agent Configuration section for turning specific browser extension installations on or off.
- Agent Update jobs delayed due to multiple Master Server identities has been corrected and made more robust.
- An issue where we stored the names of Oracle option checks instead of Oracle option names as been corrected to store both.
- It’s now possible to use passwords that start with special characters when deploying Agents.
Release date: 2018-02-08
- Support for new format of cloud-metering rules has been added. In Q1, 2018, the format of cloud-metering rules delivered by Snow’s Software Recognition Service (SRS) will change. To avail of new cloud-metering rules added after the format change requires Inventory Server version 5.3.0 and Windows agent version 5.2.3, or higher. Earlier versions of the Inventory Server and Windows agent will continue to function, but it will not be possible to benefit from the additional cloud-metering rules.
- The edition of SQL Server 2017 can now be determined.
- Cloud-application metering times will now be reported to Snow License Manager using the local time, instead of UTC – to be consistent with application usage metering, which Snow License Manager shows in local time.
- Active Directory discovery scanning can now be cancelled while it is running, by disabling it in the discovery settings of the Admin console.
- The garbage collector now removes history data for cloud-application metering in the same way that it removes metering history data for other applications. The number of days data is kept before removal is controlled by the setting DaysOfCumulativeTableHistoryToKeep in Inventory Server module configuration. More information on how to update this parameter is available in the User Guide: Snow Inventory Server.
Performing an agent update from the Admin console wizard now shows the exact the number of devices that will be updated.
- Incorrect OS assignment for mobile devices during inventory has been rectified so that installed applications are now showing as expected in Snow License Manager.
- Swidtag information from the Linux and macOS agents is now stored correctly ,enabling Snow’s Software Recognition Service to improve identification of application bundles.
- The source that the Data Update Job (DUJ) uses to retrieve information about App-V applications has been changed ensure that the DUJ receives unique records.
- Agent updates now functions without errors when a computer appears twice in the targeting view.
- Install dates prior to Jan 1, 1753 – the default minimum value, will now be ignored by Inventory Server.
- Information about mobile devices is now shown correctly in the Device Properties view used by the DUJ.
- IBM-related data, such as PVU-values, retrieved from SIM connectors is now stored correctly .
- Snow Update Service (SUS) and Snow Management and Configuration Center (SMACC) are no longer installed on a Service Gateway when using the Repair option .
- A UI issue for discovery configuration in the Admin console which was causing dropdown-menus to display incorrectly has been corrected.
- Where available, full version information (n.n.n) is now stored for inventoried applications, enabling, for example, identification of installed patches/updates of applications across the estate.
Release date: 2017-10-27
- Information from Snow Integration Connectors regarding whether a computer is virtual or not is now correctly stored by Snow Inventory Server.
Release date: 2017-10-23
- Physical Windows computers with Hyper-V enabled are now correctly set by Snow Inventory Server as: not virtual.
Release date: 2017-09-20
- Saas discovery and usage metering
- Azure and Amazon EC2 are now included in the list of supported hypervisor platforms
- Visualization of servers in the Admin Console has been improved through the addition of a “Last update” column
- For security reasons, the Inventory Server version number has been removed from the server splash screen
- To lower the impact on the network, the default network discovery interval has been increased from 30 seconds to 24 hours
- LDAP over SSL (LDAPS) paths are now supported for Active Directory discovery
- Performance improvements made in SQL data views will reduce the time it takes for the Data Update Job (DUJ) to complete
A new setting (DaysOfCumulativeTableHistoryToKeep) has been added to control the number of days cumulative data
- Performance improvements have been made in AD discover
- In the Admin Console, the scheduling page has been updated to better reflect the applicable settings in the agent
- Virtual applications are now correctly exposed in the Data Update Job
Release date: 2017-08-28
- A new setting “HostNameOnly”, has been added to enable identification of computers as unique using just the HostName field. For virtual AIX computers that cannot be identified with the built-in identity model, the default value for this setting is on.
- Minor security enhancements have been made to the server splash screen to conform with best practice.
The animated loader in the Configuration Manager has been replaced with a static image.
- Web-metering patterns can now be fetched correctly through a Service Gateway.
- Processing multiple snowpacks from the same computer is no longer causing issues.
- FullName is now updated in the user account when new data comes in.
- Time parameters in agent configuration files are now in the format hh:mm, even when minutes are set to zero.
Release date: 2017-06-07
- Support for discovery of multiple Active Directory domains. In the Admin Console it is now possible to configure multiple LDAP paths with specific credentials, for both device and user discovery.
Use of TLS 1.2 is now supported by default – no longer requiring a change to registry settings.
- Performance improvements for garbage collection module will ensure that it does not timeout, including the possibility to configure the timeout value
- AD discovery settings are now stored correctly when modified from the Admin Console
- Stability issues when removing a master service in Server Configuration Manager have been remedied
Release date: 2017-05-10
- Discovery data from new Snow Integration Connectors for Azure and Amazon EC2 can now be received, and is stored in the Snow Inventory DB. This information can be viewed in the Admin Console and in SLM.
- Discovery results obtained from different subnets are now accepted and stored by the Inventory Server.
- Additional details about virtual disks and logical disks that are part of virtual disks can now be received and displayed in the Admin Console.
- Exporting devices from the Inventory 5 database to an output file, now recreates TSapplications in the same format that the inventory agent. The data in the field “FullVersion” has also been normalized.
Source-information of SIM-connectors can now be used by SRS, using the field “ScannerVersion”.
- All valid certificates are now visible in the server configuration manager
- The Inventory Server now generates Oracle Management packs based on raw data in the same way that Inventory Data Processor (IDP) does. This change has been made so that all Oracle Management packs can be read by the daily Data Update Job
- Processing of inventory details now recognizes edition information for SQL Server
- Uniqueness of Oracle Databases is now ensured through SnowDbId, which includes the Database ID and the Instance name
- Issues related to deploying the Windows agent from the Admin Console have been fixed
- The correct semantic version is now shown in the Inventory server log
- Some spelling corrections have been made in the Admin Console
Release date: 2017-03-22
- A new stored procedure “DeleteClients” has been created ensure that information deleted from Snow License Manager is deleted in the Inventory database
The data processor now repairs any terminal server version strings that are incorrectly prefixed. For example, it will repair “TS-TS” into “TS-“.
- AIX LPARs where the Bios serial number cannot be retrieved are now identified by the hostname
- Improvements made to database views DataSoftwareView2 and vMeteringOnlySoftware will improve performance for the Snow License Manager Data Update Job
Release date: 2017-01-26
- Configuration Templates and Powershell Scripts for the Snow Inventory Agent can now be downloaded
- Platform and NIC have been added as discovery metadata columns. This information can now be displayed by selecting these columns in the View editor
- The admin console now provides feedback while it is busy
- When a computer is removed in Snow License Manager it is now removed from Inventory as well
Processing of files from the SIM-connectors BigFix and vSphere has been improved
- Version information is now included in the software row for custom regkeys related to SQL server recognition
- No errors when merging data from SIM-connector data sources ILMT and Hyper-V
- Misspellings causing errors in metering data have been corrected
Release date: 2016-12-20
- The SUS update of this release will perform an automatic restoration of historical data pertaining to Terminal Server Applications
- Additional database views created.
- General security enhancements.
Enhancement in discovery identity, which now allows incomplete network information to be stored.
- VMs without a BIOS serial number now show up under Inventory servers in Snow Inventory SnowMACC.
- Deployment issues in Admin Console.
- Inventory Server is now able to process snowpack files containing SWID tags that lack a root element
- Inventory data from OSX that includes invalid characters, such as &, in the software row are now processed.
- Graphs for “Agent with latest version” now display the correct information in the Admin Console.
- When network adapter scanning is turned off, inventory now works as expected network adapter information in not included in the scan.
- The SUS update of this release will perform an automatic fix of incorrect historical data pertaining to Virtual Machines and data centers.
Release date: 2016-12-01
- To enhance security, the server name and build number have been removed from the Inventory server splash screen
- The visibility of long text values has been improved on the device summary page
A clarification has been added in the agent configuration wizard to show which OS’s are eligible for software exclude
- The relationship between physical hosts and virtual machines updates correctly following a new scan (ServiceNow 0001264, 0001272)
- Terminal Server applications are stored correctly (ServiceNow 0001322)
- In addition, a few improvements have been made in the Admin console and Server configuration manager interfaces.
Release date: 2016-11-14
- Added user discovery possibilities
- Copying of both stock and custom views
- The network discovery configuration now allows adding ip-ranges outside of the service gateways own subnet.
- All memory details in the Devices/Hardware/Memory-grid are now shown with two decimals
- Chart on Overview-page renamed to “Device inventory status”
- Database internal field “AssignedID” was removed from the discovery view filters
- All discovery views are now sorted alphabetically
- On the device summary page, the “Agent scheduled”-field is replaced by “Last scan date” and shows the last date and time that the agent performed a scan.
- The “Is reachable”-column on the discovery views is shown as “Yes” and “No” instead of “1” and “0”
- When creating or modifying a view, this view is now automatically selected when saving it
When adding specific devices to an agent update, it is now possible to select multiple items at a time
- “Show details” not opening on “Inventory servers”-node if not opened the first time
- Edit-button should always be disabled if not available
- Fixed a defect where Microsoft SQL Server edition was not identified properly
- Environment variables from Linux computers are not shown in Admin Console
- Service account needs “log on as service”-rights, clarification made in the GUI of Inventory Server Configuration Manager
Release date: 2016-09-27
- Please read release notes for further details
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