Snow License Manager 6
This version of the product is not supported anymore.
Here you can find the release notes for Snow License Manager 6. You can find the old release notes on the Flexera Community.
6.2.12 latest
Release date: 2014-06-11
- Some report shows username when anonymous user management is enabled (3256)
- Missing field validation on the field “Interval (days)” when editing applications (3247)
- Deleting computer does not validate if a named license if for computer or datacenter (3245)
- Agreements in organizations that is restricted is viewable when multi-editing computers (3189)
- Issue with auto connect rules when “According to primary user” is used (3164)
- Oracle database option “Advanced Analytics” is not transferred from Inventory (3163)
- Deleted devices is not deleted if usage exists within the metering history months (3124)
- Compliance crash when trying to cover a virtual machine (3062)
- Application on virtual machines is incorrectly compliant when the host machine is not (2363)
- Data Update Job fails if the setting LogTempDBSize is used (1490)
Release date: 2014-04-14
- Custom procedure that fails cause the Data Update Job to fail (3144)
- Procedures in the data update job executes customers based on their size (3107)
- Computer list shows usernames even if setting is disabled (3094)
- Long execution time for some reports (3093)
- Exception caught when exporting invalid rows from an import with default values (3049)
- Bad performance generating computer list with many custom fields (3039)
- Duplicate currencies causing issues (3010)
- Agreement export produces wrong result (2943)
- Custom fields are not saved when using copy license feature (2887)
- Archiving computers does not validate if the named license is for a computer or a datacenter (2877)
- Application bundles with path \\unknown\ from SCCM is visible (2804)
- Archived/Deleted computers not removed from Inventory source (1827)
Release date: 2014-03-20
- TS-Application with many devices takes a long time to show application details (2987)
- Synchronizing uninstalled software in Data Update job sometimes takes a long time (2976)
- Incorrect removal of documents (2858)
- Problems with timeouts when moving organization nodes (2825)
- Listing “All Computers” can sometimes take a long time (2750)
- Custom field “Currency” doesn’t display the value in Agreement details (2724)
- Incorrect spelling on setting AUTOGENERATE_DCC_MIN_HOSTS description field (2604)
- Report “All Oracle agreements” can lists the same agreement and order more than once (2597)
- Logging in to SLM is slow for some customers (2466)
- French keyboard layout (2397)
- Error when using print selection on agreements (2361)
- Report “Unused applications per computer” does not take the metering history period into account (2318)
- Devices in quarantine shows even when no application usage is available (2284)
- Importing objects with mandatory object type currency will crash object listing. (2197)
- License form does not have correct sorting in list all applications list (2191)
- Report “All Oracle database servers” exported PDF is empty if all columns are used (2059)
- Not possible to disable auto edit for VM’s when the host is located in a datacenter (1944)
- Printing fails in combination with Windows Authentication (1858)
- Import service not triggered on CSV files using tab as delimiter (1776)
- Mac model conversion table not updated (1631)
- Incorrect number of device users (1466)
- Named computer with VM support and custom downgrade path not reflected on VMs (1453)
Release date: 2014-01-28
- New setting to enable non-overlapping process metering (3315)
Ability to configure web ports in License Manager (3253)
- No user role setting for the virtual machines without Inventory client alert (1887)
- RUN_COMPLETE_RULESET_DAY resets hidden unassigned Software (1904)
- Manually allocated licenses is de-allocated when editing an organization (1911)
- Application users not counted correctly (1976)
- Exporting an Oracle report shows (CURRENCY) in Processor speed column (2051)
- Stored procedure causing compliance calculation to time out (2123)
- Web metering not capturing traffic on non-default web ports (2162)
- Compliance calculations sometimes takes an hour to complete (2225)
- Metrics missing on Oracle 12c Products (2250)
- Dutch translation error on the Overview page (2280)
- Dutch translation error in Oracle reports (2348)
- Index improvement on Computer Update step in Data Update Job (2378)
Release date: 2013-12-12
- Report: All Oracle agreements (2909)
- Report: All Oracle orders (2910)
- Report: All Oracle databases per server (2914)
- Report: All Oracle database servers (2915)
- Report: Unused Oracle options per Oracle server (3145)
- Report: Discovered non-inventoried Oracle database servers (3146)
- Report Category: Oracle reports (2912)
Support for datacenter generation based on inventory from Hyper-V and XenServer (3049)
- Problem with group editing of applications (1013)
- Forgotten password error message (1439)
- Remark icon for named user license missing (1491)
- Subscription setting automatically changes when editing a sub-agreement (1517)
- Searching for applications “based on installation” shows other license forms (1635)
- Web interface error when scheduling a report in Internet Explorer 10 (1715)
- Upper & lowercase problem using AD import (1893)
- Criteria report value counts if operator is set to “has no value” (1938)
- Removing report that has favorites produces “page could not be found” error (1946)
- Using quotes in email address in scheduled report pop-up breaks the window (1963)
- Support for scheduled compliance calculation across midnight (1977)
- Software update step in data update job makes the transaction log grow rapidly (1998)
- Sibling computer for other organizations shows up on report (2002)
- Performance issue in web interface when listing “All licenses” (2008)
- Norwegian translation error (2010)
- Import bug when creating new organization nodes during metadata import (2062)
- Compliance not calculated correctly on VM’s covered by DCC license (2063)
- Logging error in data update job on Application Concurrency update step (2068)
- Software from SCCM with unknown path not deleted (2116)
Release date: 2013-11-08
- License import forgets values in drop down list when scrolling (1222)
- TS-Application not bundling despite rule available (1438)
- Cannot import licenses if named computer field is not used (1445)
- License export shows duplicate name in header (1458)
- Report: “All Computers” not able to filter active from inactive computers (1492)
- Wide column length on “Virtual machines without locally installed inventory client” alert (1540)
- Re-archiving computer fails (1553)
- Windows Server 2008 Standard compliance error (1557)
- Upgraded computers have duplicate OS (1558)
- Compliance report filtering issues (1559)
- Application user list discrepancy (1578)
- Clients with purchase date cannot be multi-edited (1598)
- Report: “Applications per computer” is unable to list inactive computers (1604)
- Virtual and Terminal Server applications not removed when there is no usage (1607)
- Data Update Job: Issue when preparing work table data (1614)
- Unhandled ASP.NET exception related to session handling (1616)
- License import validation missing when purchase date is not within agreement period (1629)
- Client install date not updated in License Manager Web (1643)
- Data Update Job: Long execution time for Application Concurrency step (1646)
- Server error if report group name contains quotes (1682)
- Data Update Job: Long execution time for User Update step (1691)
- Data Update Job: Long execution time for Computers Update step (1700)
- Decimal separation in Oracle contract fails (1701)
- Users not permitted to create web application without complete system access (1770)
- Compliance calculation problem, Licenses sometimes does not downgrade (1789)
- Error when logging in with Internet Explorer 11 (1895)
Release date: 2013-08-23
- Site license not calculating correctly when changing organization (1261)
- Discrepancy on user count in license compliance stock report (1366)
- Not able to delete auto-connect rules when sorting/filtering (1414)
- Compliance issue with named computer license (1415)
- Issue with selection box that looks like marked when it is not (1420)
- Columns appearing blank in stock report (1493)
- Discrepancy between manual and scheduled compliance calculation (1504)
- Scheduled reports (QXLS) is causing internal server error (1518)
- Blank ‘Virtual Application’ column when exporting (1521)
- Error when scheduling a custom built stock report (1526)
Release date: 2013-08-06
- Bundles not being assigned correctly when running incremental updates (1498)
Release date: 2013-07-19
- Drop-down menu is not shown on the report criteria: “Application types” on some reports (1275)
- License view and the export results differs in the columns shown and exported (1302)
- Forgotten password error message (1314)
- Date fields on custom objects is not allowed to be blank (1335)
- Data update job resets organization tied to Datacenter/Cluster (1340)
- License policy does not work when description contains line breaks (1347)
- Incorrect Norwegian translation (1349)
- Computers attached to custom agreement do not show up on details page (1355)
- Automatic upgrade is automatically checked when editing a license (1357)
- License not downgrading correctly when virtual machines is covered by a Datacenter/Cluster license (1367)
- Hardware comparison report do not care about the organization restrictions (1370)
- Incorrect license compliance calculation (1374)
- Filter on computer status do not work as expected (1375)
- Unassigned software view is empty in Administration tool (1381)
- All objects report does not show even if the user role should have access to it (1385)
- Incorrect English translation of all applications details view (1392)
- Exception thrown when running an organization import with a XLSX file (1393)
- Multi editing reset the custom field to their default values (1400)
- Incorrect German translation on Oracle database details (1403)
- Login history month receives value from metering history months (1409)
- Removing columns with criteria from report make the report export crash (1412)
Release date: 2013-05-15
- Export contains zero rows when a column filter is applied (1236)
- Oracle instances not on the current oracle server shown under the oracle tab (1263)
- German translation error on datacenter/cluster page (1276)
- Custom agreements not available after adding a new one (1285)
- Export organization structure throws an object exception (1288)
- Processor license require a named computer during import, not mandatory during manual import (1292)
- Problem with license downgrade when units are covered by datacenter/cluster license (1299)
- No formatting is done to the Excel files when exporting lists or reports (1300)
- Custom compare value import do not import last record per application (1303)
- License property (Automatic upgrade) should follow agreement properties for the same (1304)
- Compliance not calculated correctly on virtual machines covered by datacenter/cluster license (1308)
- Exception thrown when exporting objects list (1321)
- Statistic for operating system not shown if Computer IP-Address is larger than 200 characters (1322)
- Instance information missing on oracle servers (1326)
- German translation error on computer report (1330)
- Date picker in server count field on oracle database list (1331)
Release date: 2013-04-09
- All devices receives last organization in the organization tree when using several data sources (1235)
- Compliance calculation not working on some platforms after creating a new licenses (1256)
Release date: 2013-04-02
- Machine is covered by both datacenter license and virtual coverage (1170)
- Web UI crashes on field mappings tab when configuring import field in a web import (1200)
- Oracle orders not visible on oracle agreements (1219)
- No tooltip information shown on balance value when reduced due to a named license (1238)
- German translation errors on reports (1243)
- Web applications with GUIDs as name created if pattern is deleted (1244)
- Agreement import, the uniqueness of the agreement number is not validated (1073)
- German translation errors on Oracle management page (1245)
- Incorrect sort order of SKUs when adding a new license (1246)
- Server error when exporting agreements list (1247)
- Error when exporting a list when filtering on a numerical custom field (1250)
- SA and downgrade not available on CAL license type (1254)
- Data update job stops when updating users (1259)
Release date: 2013-03-20
- Please read the Release Notes for details. Found on
Release date: 2013-04-09
- All devices receives last organization in the organization tree when using several data sources (1235)
- Compliance calculation not working on some platforms after creating a new licenses (1256)
Release date: 2013-03-13
- Inconsistencies in stock report “All licenses” compared to “Compliance Summary” (1028)
- All Applications report shows incorrect values of physical and virtual installations (1034)
- Issues with the Administration Tool security roles (1043)
- Error in field mapping during a web import when updating users (1053)
- Single Sign On, redirect error (1060)
- All License grid, the license form field do not inherit correctly from applications license form (1062)
- Notification table grows without limit (1067)
- Error when adding several properties with the same name on Object Types (1071)
- Agreement import, the uniqueness of the agreement number is not validated (1073)
- Deleting agreements with more than two levels of sub agreements, only partially deletes the agreement tree (1087
- Search of objects cannot display additional object columns in search view (1103)
- Error with organization and role rights during agreement select (1107)
- Incorrect computer physical memory value in SLM compared to Inventory (1120)
- Error when adding an agreement and using an invalid serial number (1125)
- SLM web still available during the data update job (1133)
- Print selection option always print Oracle information (1141)
- Issue with compliance auto allocating licenses to computer with no balance value (1142)
- Incorrect auto allocation, when license attached to agreement without an active period (1144)
- Swedish translations missing in All licenses view and stock reports (1148)
- Quarantined devices not removed from quarantine when active (1155)
- Stock report License purchase records per agreement shows duplicate licenses (1167)
- Inconsistency in computer “Reason for discrepancy” with secondary use rights (1182)
- Error with license form “Based on concurrent users” (1185)
- Spelling mistake on “Forgot your password” popup on login page (1186)
- German translation error when multi editing computers (1202)
Release date: 2013-01-21
- Connecting field “Host Computer” failed during computer metadata import (906)
- SQL import processor core allocation doesn’t work correctly (974)
- Default value for object type properties is not reflected when adding a new object (986)
- License Manager Notifications, wrong user I email notification (988)
- Data in the field “License Cost” is not validated (990)
- Adding new objects type. Property name cannot be “Hostname” (992)
- “Add server” in “Add server” dialog under DCC is still clickable even if greyed out (1006)
- Incorrect German translation on Compliance Summary report (1007)
- Automatic downgrade textbox is greyed out after adding license, but available again when editing the license (1009)
- Automatic upgrade textbox greyed out if agreement is selected (1029)
- Discrepancy between Computer history report compared to List of computer view (1036)
- Spelling mistake in Administration Tool under basic settings (1039)
Release date: 2012-11-26
- Translation error in Snow license manager Administration tool (607)
- Date format on object properties do not follow windows regional settings (840)
- Difference in device counters (858)
- German translation errors on add license view (917)
- Available memory slots reported wrong in Snow license Manager (931)
- SKU upgrade and downgrade values mixed up in application view (946)
- Machines not updating correctly in Snow license manager even if Inventory is updated (954)
- Objects property ‘Currency’ does not allow default values (955)
- Criteria for under/over licensing does not show expected results (961)
- Columns using ‘digit’ as property does not show any information in the list when searching for objects (965)
- Users last logon date is set to the same date for every computer in user list (970)
- License import is missing validations (973)
- Named license attached to DCC also connects computer if ComputerID equals DCCID(979)
Release date: 2012-10-22
- Compliance calculation errors within DCC where downgrade between versions doesn’t work correctly (766)
- Agreement type show numerical value instead of string (871)
- Additional tab “User Grants” when adding a new license, where it should be hidden (887)
- Auto select sub levels in organization selector did not work correctly (888)
- Page error, when navigation through the details list of Oracle products pages (897)
- Oracle products and instances not removed from the Grid view list when computers are removed (898)
- Currency custom fields, not supported by the import engine (900)
- Inconsistencies in quantity when adding a named license and upgrading that (903)
- Connecting field “Host Computer” during a Computer Metadata import fails (906)
- Translations missing in notifications (910)
- Right-Click in Admin tool does not work (913)
- Auto-Connect rules based on IP-Address do not work when client has many adapters (914)
- Mapping between import and export do not work when using custom import headers (927)
- Inconsistencies in the naming of header description in the import wizard (938)
Release date: 2012-09-19
- Inconsistencies in the display of Custom compare values (825)
- Error with pagination in the web user guide for Snow License Manager (864)
- Search function freezes in reports when certain criteria’s is used (869)
- Incorrect Swedish translation in the web import tool (873)
- SA-Checkbox automatically selected when adding a license with SA-Agreement (880)
- Adding ‘SKU’ as criteria in License search causing License Manager to crash (889)
- Custom field (Currency) doesn’t show values on custom agreement (902)
- Object import via the web import fails when importing ‘CSV’ files (905)
- German translation in the description of Compliance Summary was incorrect (911)
Release date: 2012-08-13
- Object Default Value not set on Property when creating new Object (833)
- Report criteria for substandard computers shows no search result for “Scan identifier” (835)
- Importing license with non-existing agreement results in error page (845)
- When archiving computers you receive error message “named license” even though not connected to a license (846)
- Unable to save Purchase date of Computer (847)
- Reports ”Application installation history” and “Application” shows no search result with operators (848)
- Quarantined device image broken (852)
- System Disk (GB) Column – should be (MB) (854)
- Attempting to import licenses through XLS file generates error message (855)
- Snow Admin Console Error (857)
- Duplicate computers (clientid) causing job failed (859)
- Reports, criteria “Purchase currency” for all computers shows no search result (866)
- “License entitlement summary”, operators does not show any search result (867)
- Application installation history, report shows no search result (868)
Release date: 2012-07-20
Reset password feature (473)
- Firefox: Date selection (calendar) appears off screen (653)
- Report Computer Standard is incorrect in SPE (722)
- Agreement purchase date validation (736)
- Misinterpretation of text fields when importing (765)
- Data update job log duplication (767)
- Import of custom fields for licenses and agreements (772)
- Spelling error for Oracle menus in Swedish SLM (784)
- Action log give wrong information (795)
- IP-address repeated multiple times in list presentation (797)
- Language error in “share report” (801)
- Last scanned search criteria for all computers report doesn’t work (810)
- Last scanned search criteria for all computers list doesn’t work (811)
- Blacklist criteria cannot be edited (812)
- Break row in report scheduling report criteria to not work (813)
- Datacenter/cluster cores per processor shows wrong value (814)
- Datacenter/cluster processor/core validation not working (816)
- Display adapter search in computer hardware report (831)
- Sum of blacklisted applications doesn’t correspond to actual blacklisted applications (832)
Release date: 2012-05-24
- Incorrect spelling in web (741)
- Translation missing in report (742)
- Translation error when saving reports from report generator (743)
- Cannot export to unformatted XLS with reports from report generator (744)
- Microsoft SQL Server hardware comparison report translation not found (745)
- Access priv. Administer Application Blacklist sticks to role even when inactivated (747)
- Computer Reports Column Error (748)
- Media location field – have an option to add link or text (749)
- VMware virtual machines hostname matching issue
- Auto-connect rules based on 2 (environment or registry) values not working (751)
- Saving custom field to application that already has a custom field not working (753)
- Scheduled import of computer custom fields goes blank (756)
- Translation for Custom Agreements (757)
- Applications with the ‘!TS’ trigger are not assigned (762)
- CSV import fails in Licence Manager (763)
Release date: 2012-04-27
- Strange characters (710)
- Spelling mistake in Administration Tool (715)
- Notification links gets page not found in SPE platforms (686)
- Several report names and descriptions have been corrupted (721)
- Changed license cost to application cost in application meta import (724)
- Custom fields in agreements cannot be saved (718)
- Release notes and web user guide links does not work (716)
- Dutch language compliance chart does not work (711)
- Application multiple edit (717)
- Custom compare values and SKU (723)
- User roles does not restrict access to file import in web UI (727)
- Notification links does not work on websites without host header (708)
- Date custom field UI “freeze” in certain browsers (706)
- Problems in agreements with “,” comma in the agreement number (713)
- Swedish report translations corrupt
- Import timeout when handling large number of obsolete computers (731)
- License import fails on application validation duplicates (hidden applications) (732)
- Object imports against a digit value corrupts objects search if imported value is a decimal (684)
Release date: 2012-04-12
- Please read the Release Notes for details. Found on
Release date: 2012-08-10
- Printing gives an error (850)
- System Disk (GB) Column – should be (MB) (854)
- Attempting to import licenses through XLS file generates error message (855)
- Object Default Value not set on Property when creating new Object (833)
- Report criteria for substandard computers shows no search result for “Scan identifier” (835)
- Duplicate computers (clientid) causing job failed (859)
Release date: 2012-07-20
- Slow import of large files (493)
- Compliance error – unable to cast ChainedLicenseSettings (759)
- Devices tab missing with TS-app (773)
- Archiving computers connected to a license fails without warning (774)
Release date: 2012-04-27
- Notification links gets page not found in SPE platforms (686)
- Notification links does not work on websites without host header (708)
- License import fails on application validation duplicates (hidden applications) (732)
- Object imports against a digit value corrupts objects search if imported value is a decimal (684)
Release date: 2012-03-28
- Application history table not populated with uninstallations (642)
- Incorrect page in print preview when trying to print a custom report (655)
- Update Vendor Repository fails (657)
- Auto connect rules for users based on last computer not working (665)
- Limited roles can still edit roles settings and make themselves super user (671)
- Auto allocate of licenses on multiple level legal organisation notes is incorrect
Release date: 2012-02-14
Auto connect rules for computers based on primary user (1097)
- Filter editor crashes SLM Admin (629)
- Custom fields added with column selector gone after saving search (609)
- Downloading an exported report works only once (573)
- German translation error (577)
- Application crash at start-up (615)
- “The site license was not needed” message filling up the action log (616)
- Statistics shown for 2012 in the future (617)
- Add agreement period sometimes don’t stick when you click OK (511)
- Scheduled reports still sending for deleted users (643)
- Vendor repository import error (613)
- Memory not displayed correctly for Microsoft virtual machines (619)
- Custom field definitions – Can’t change description without changing title (628)
- Notification service crash (604)
Release date: 2012-01-09
- Edit computer and organisation selection issue (566)
- Object properties are treated as mandatory, but when added they are set to “not mandatory” (569)
- Currency fields for object doesn’t work (576)
- Allow multiple versions option creating negative balance value (577)
- Show Hidden Software in Admin Tool not returning any data (585)
- Concurrency not showing for application groups (587)
Release date: 2011-12-14
- Added two new settings for user exclusion in most frequent and most recent calculations (1046)
Added descriptions for all settings (1046)
- Admin Tool – Remove option to change base currency when adding/editing currency (458)
- Report generator reports are created with SystemUserID=0 regardless of user logged in (535)
- License import problem when organisation contains trailing spaces (544)
- Incorrect compliance calculation for datacenters/clusters (547)
- The number of rows in the alert Applications without registered usage differs between pie-chart and list (548)
- SAMaxVersionIndex not cleared when re-calculating compliance (556)
- Unhandled exception when adding licenses (557)
- Errors with agreement import (558)
- License allocating outside the org unit of the purchase due to naming of organisation (559)
- DCC application chain error (560)
- Currency custom field data not stored (561)
- German transalation for ID = Kennung is incorrect, should be ID (563)
- Object name field, when editing created object is empty (565)
Release date: 2011-12-05
- Usability improvements to the import tool (629)
- Increase protection against SQL injection and Cross Site Scripting (926)
- Compliance not clearing previous results until re-calculation is complete (955)
Improved AD-configuration in the web configurator (965)
- Import of organisations for computers does not work if it is more than 3 levels (473)
- Error in Dutch translation (475)
- Columns are not saved, Defect Ready For Testing (478)
- Can’t save Use system default when Licensing form is based on concurrent users (480)
- Licenses are distributed to the highest version of the software automatically (484)
- Created Objects don’t show, Defect Ready For Testing (495)
- New Role options not applied to roles after update (500)
- Compliance value for license in datacenter server is wrong (504)
- License Manager shows incorrect System disk available (505)
- Auto-Connect rule on Environmental Variable is missing its textboxes (507)
- License import error (508)
- Import tool: Cell validation not handling empty rows (509)
- Custom agreement type names missing in report part of pie chart Expiration status for agreements (510)
- Data update job log – wrong number of Oracle DB Instances (512)
- Confirmation message incorrect (513)
- Cannot open old computer archives (517)
Release date: 2011-11-07
- Import file parameters documentation added (701)
- Organisation auto connect rules based on registry keys/values/data (870)
- Processor information added to several computer reports and lists (877)
- Added column “Part of bundle” to report “Unused applications per computer” (906)
- Added alerts as part of security objects for roles (912)
DocuWare document link integration (913)
- Datacenter per processor licensing issue (416)(496)
- Print not working for Datacenter and Cluster details (417)
- MAC model names missing (423)
- Computer loosing organisation information when multi-editing (434)
- Administration menu available from dropdown at partner page (453)
- Manual SRS update not working (455)
- Updating user organisation via Import does not disable auto-edit (462)
- Import Oracle agreement types does not work (465)
- Validate purchase date, value and currency together (466)
- Modifying upgraded license count (467)
- No computer software/applications for several machines (468)
- Import tool – identifier mappings not cached (469)
- Import tool – map by index not working for files with a single row (470)
- System always defaulting to one organisation when adding license (471)
- Admin Tool – Organisation restriction not stored when using long organisation names (472)
- Import of organisations for computers does not work if more than 3 levels (473)
- Pie chart point values overlap (481)
- License purchase reporting multiple times per agreement (482)
- License search does not work (489)
- Application install date missing in Applications per computer report (490)
- License Import tool hangs when running file with erroneous lines (492)
- Import of new organisation nodes via computer meta data import creates root nodes (497)
Release date: 2011-10-05
- Importable vendor repository for agreements (58)
- Expanded organisation dropdown view when editing system users (208)
Report export service checks for SLM Data Update Job before exporting (822)
- Columns in user reports are displaced after save (391)
- German translation missing in reports (394)
- SRS applications missing when upgrading to version 6.0 (419)
- Translation missing for average time in application usage report (424)
- Partner status page does not show number of identified files (427)
- Updating computers organisation via import does not disable auto editing (431)
- Quarantine management does not delete computers (432)
- Computers per OS graph showing no data (433)
- Performance issues in application concurrency data update (438)
- License form column shows numeric values instead of translated value (440)
- System owner email included in list causes JavaScript error (441)
- One item bar graph shows insufficient bar height (442)
- Graph based reports not included in role definition reports (443)
- Ignore scheduled reports for inactive customers in SPE platforms (451)
- Computer software updates when application rules change (454)
- Notifications for admin account in SPE platforms (456)
- Error when adding organisation restriction when organisation name length is too long (459)
- Custom agreement types not showing up in graph report (461)
Release date: 2011-09-09
- Corrects a problem with compliance calculation
Release date: 2011-08-20
- Updates for the API database procedures
Release date: 2011-07-04
- License policy columns not translated
- Login count for users incorrect
- Custom field crash when saving mandatory multi option with no value set
- Action log filtering incorrect and date selector always in English
- Editing applications causes web error
- Criteria not working on All applications report
Release date: 2011-05-23
Flexera does not own the third party trademarks, software, products, or tools (collectively, the "Third Party Products") referenced herein. Third Party Product updates, including user interface updates, may not be reflected in this content.