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Scanning modules

Package Builder provides a number of files and scripts, scanning modules, that you can add to the package to give the agent additional capabilities.

The scanning modules are described below per section as they appear in Package Builder. Available sections, and the content of each section, depend on the platform. For more information on each script, see the Snow Inventory section of the Release notes, unless any other reference is given below.

The Platform column shows the availability of the script or file per platform, where L = Linux, M = macOS, U = Unix, and W = Windows.


The section contains scripts that most often should be included in the installation package for the Windows agent. The scripts are selected by default in Package Builder.

Permit change of site name, configuration name, and endpoint address via MSI command line parametersWThe script enables you to change the site name, configuration name, and endpoint address in the Windows agent configuration file at the time of installation. In this way, you can create one installation package for use on multiple sites. For a detailed description, see Use one MSI installation package for multiple sites.
Adobe Acrobat editionWThe script scans for Adobe edition information within the Windows Registry.
Autodesk products informationWThe script scans the Autodesk folder within the ProgramData folder, to retrieve activated serial keys for Autodesk products.
Microsoft Office products informationWThe script scans the WmiObjects and CIM Instances and the Windows Registry to search for Microsoft Office products and how they are installed.
Toad database developer productsWThe script enhances the default scanning capabilities of the Snow Inventory Agent and allows the Software Recognition Service a more precise identification of installed Toad Database Developer products from Quest Software.


The section contains the Snow Inventory Java Scanner and related files and scripts.

Snow Inventory Java ScannerM/L/U/WThe script (sijs.jar) inventories data for All Java installations on a particular environment and provides information on their need for Oracle commercial license accordingly. For a detailed description of the scanner, see Snow Inventory Java Scanner.
Snow Inventory Java Scanner - Config fileM/L/U/WThe configuration file (sijs.config) allows for some additional configurations of the scanner, see Configure the scanner.
You can select to include your own custom file instead of the default one.
Snow Inventory Java Scanner LauncherWThe script (Scan-SIOHWSLauncher.snow-ps1) launches the Snow Inventory Java Scanner in a Windows environment.
You can select to include your own custom script instead of the default one.
Install script, Launcher script, Dry-run script, Cron configuration, Uninstall scriptL/UThe scripts install and schedule the execution of the scanner in a Linux or Unix environment. The default configuration is to execute the scanner daily at 19:00. For more information, see Snow Inventory Oracle Scanners Install Tools Repository in the Snow Inventory section of the Release notes.
You can select to include your own custom scripts instead of the default ones.


The section contains the Snow Inventory Oracle Scanner, Snow Inventory Oracle Middleware Scanner, Snow Inventory Oracle Hardware Scanner, and related files and scripts.

Snow Inventory Oracle Scanner

Snow Inventory Oracle ScannerL/U/WThe script (sios.jar) inventories data regarding Oracle Database installations, including their Database Options and Management Packs, and E-Business Suite, on a particular environment, and also provides information on their usage and license needs. For a detailed description of the scanner, see Snow Inventory Oracle Scanner.
Snow Inventory Oracle Scanner - Config fileL/U/WThe configuration file (sios.config) allows for some additional configurations of the Snow Inventory Oracle scanner, see Configure the scanner.
You can select to include your own custom file instead of the default one.
Install script, Dry-run scriptL/UThe scripts install the scanner in a Linux or Unix environment. For more information, see Snow Inventory Oracle Scanners Install Tools Repository in the Snow Inventory section of the Release notes.
You can select to include your own custom scripts instead of the default ones.

Snow Inventory Oracle Hardware Scanner

Snow Inventory Oracle Hardware ScannerL/U/WThe script (siohws.jar) inventories Hardware data on a particular environment in a format defined by Oracle’s needs for the Vendors Verified for Oracle Database and Database Options. For a detailed description of the scanner, see Snow Inventory Oracle Hardware Scanner.
Snow Inventory Oracle Hardware Scanner LauncherWThe script (Scan-SIOHWSLauncher.snow-ps1) launches the Snow Inventory Oracle Hardware Scanner in a Windows environment.
You can select to include your own custom script instead of the default one.
Install script, Launcher script, Dry-run script, Cron configuration, Uninstall scriptL/UThe scripts install and schedule the execution of the scanner in a Linux or Unix environment. The default configuration is to execute the scanner daily at 17:00. For more information, see Snow Inventory Oracle Scanners Install Tools Repository in the Snow Inventory section of the Release notes.
You can select to include your own custom scripts instead of the default ones.

Snow Inventory Oracle Middleware Scanner

Snow Inventory Oracle Middleware ScannerL/U/WThe script (sioms.jar) inventories data for your Oracle Middleware Products installations on a particular environment. For a detailed description of the scanner, see Snow Inventory Oracle Middleware Scanner.
Snow Inventory Oracle Middleware Scanner LauncherWThe script (Scan-SIOMSLauncher.snow-ps1) launches the Snow Inventory Oracle Middleware Scanner in a Windows environment.
You can select to include your own custom script instead of the default one.
Configuration fileL/U/WThe configuration file (snowmiddlewarescanner.config) allows for some additional configurations of the Snow Inventory Oracle Middleware Scanner, see Configure the scanner.
You can select to include your own custom file instead of the default one.
Install script, Launcher script, Dry-run script, Cron configuration, Uninstall scriptL/UThe scripts install and schedule the execution of the scanner in a Linux or Unix environment. The default configuration is to execute the scanner daily at 18:00. For more information, see Snow Inventory Oracle Scanners Install Tools Repository in the Snow Inventory section of the Release notes.
You can select to include your own custom scripts instead of the default ones.


The section contains scripts for Microsoft Productivity Servers.

Microsoft Exchange Server editions and versionsWThe script scans the Windows Registry and Exchange Management Shell, to check the edition and version of the installed Microsoft Exchange Server.
Microsoft SharePoint informationWThe script scans the PowerShell module Microsoft.Sharepoint.PowerShell, to more precisely capture Microsoft Sharepoint Server information.
Microsoft SQL Server editions and versionsWThe script scans the Windows Registry, SQL Error Log Files, and the SQL Server Services, to check if SQL Server is running and which edition is installed.


The section contains scripts for specialized applications.

ArcGIS network licenseWThe script scans the Windows Registry to check if the ArcGIS installation is network-based.
Bluebeam editionsWThe script identifies Bluebeam software licenses installed on the system.
Collect custom registry keysWThe script inventories registry keys and reports them back to your inventory.
You can select to include your custom keys.csf file instead of the default one.
DbVisualizer Pro editionWThe script scans the Windows Registry to check if DbVisualizer Pro edition is installed.
Episerver CMS license informationWThe script scans the WebAdministration of PowerShell and a local file, to check if Episerver is installed, and what type of license is being used.
Foxit PDF Editor Edition informationWThe script extracts relevant information specific to Foxit PDF Editor.
JetBrains toolbox and software detailsWThe script scans for JetBrains software installed on the system.
Mathworks Matlab informationWThe script scans the Windows Registry to check if Matlab is installed and specifically which components are installed.
Microsoft .NET Framework version informationWThe script detects installed .NET Framework versions.
Microsoft System Center Configuration Manager versionWThe script scans for specified executable files and mirrors the data to almost equivalent IsRegistry data. It preserves data in some fields (i.e. version) that is traditionally trimmed by the inventory scanner.
MindJet MindManager editions and versionsWThe script scans the Windows Registry to check which version and edition of MindJet MindManager is installed.
Oracle VirtualBox extension packsWThe script extracts and compiles data about Oracle VirtualBox extension packs installed on the system.
PDF-XChange Viewer 2 informationWThe script scans the Windows Registry to check which edition of PDF-XChange Viewer is installed.
PKFail SensorWThe script checks if the system is affected by the PKFail vulnerability.
PTC Creo View editionWThe script reads a local user preference file (user_prefs.xml) to check which edition of Creo View is installed.
SketchUp Make editionWThe script scans the Windows Registry to check which edition of SketchUp Make is installed.
Titus Classification for Desktop and Microsoft Office add-in editionsWThe script scans the Windows Registry to check which edition of Titus Classification is installed.
Windows PowerShell versionWThe script scans the PSVersionTable to check what major and minor version of PowerShell is installed.
Windows update details for Snow Risk MonitorWThe script collects additional data to enhance the accuracy of Microsoft® Windows® reporting in Risk Monitor.

Cloud application metering

Platform: M

If your organization is using the Cloud application metering solution, and the macOS computers targeted by the installation package should be included in the solution, the toggle must be turned on. The toggle is turned on by default.

For information on the solution, see Cloud application metering.

Send scan results every hour

Platform: M

When the toggle is turned on, the macOS agent will try to resend scan results once every hour until it succeeds. If the toggle is turned off, the agent will wait until the next scheduled scan before trying to send again. The toggle is turned on by default.

For more information, see Sending scan results.

Desktop application metering

Platform: M

If your company is using the Desktop application metering solution, and the macOS computers targeted by the installation package should be included in the solution, the toggle must be turned on. The toggle is turned on by default.