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Data retrieved by Box connector

Data retrieved by the Box connector that is stored by Snow.


API propertyDescription
idThe unique ID of the user.
typeThe object of the call. The value is always user.
nameThe user's display name.
created_atThe date the user object was created.
modified_atThe date the user was last modified.
loginThe user's primary email address.
max_upload_sizeThe maximum individual file size the user can have.
statusThe user's account status.
phoneThe user's phone number.
roleThe user's enterprise role.


API propertyDescription
typeThe object of the call. The value is always event.
created_atThe date the event occurred.
event_idThe ID of the event object.
event_typeThe type of event.
created_byThe user that performed the event.
created_by.idThe unique ID of the user who performed the event.
created_by.TypeThe object of the CreatedBy property. The value is always user.
created_by.NameThe display name of the user who performed the event.
created_by.LoginThe primary email address of the user who performed the event.