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Datacenters and clusters: Reference

Refer to the tables below for field descriptions when you want to view the details of a specific datacenter or cluster in SAM Core on Snow Atlas.


The top of the details page shows information on, for example, the number of hosts, processors, and cores. Select the arrow to the right of the number to show more detailed information.

Field labelDescription
HostsThe number of hosts connected to the datacenter.
ProcessorsThe number of processors of the datacenter members.
CoresThe total number of processor cores of the datacenter members.
Virtual machinesThe number of virtual machines connected to the datacenter.
License coverageThe percentage of instances covered by available licenses.
The license coverage shows the percentage of all licensable applications on all hosts and their virtual machines that are fully covered by licenses. The license coverage is an indicator of the overall level of risk of the datacenter.


The Licenses tab shows information on the licenses that are connected to the datacenter.

Field labelDescription
ApplicationThe name of the licensed application.
Purchase dateThe date of the license purchase.
License informationThe license metric.
Assignment typeThe assignment type of the license: Organization, Computer/datacenter, User, or Site.
License quantityThe number of licenses.


The Applications tab shows information on the applications that are connected to the datacenter.

Field labelDescription
NameThe name of the application.
ManufacturerThe manufacturer of the application.
InstallationsThe number of installations on hosts connected to the datacenter.
Installations (VM)The number of installations on virtual machines connected to the datacenter.


The Hosts tab shows information on the hosts that are connected to the datacenter.

Field labelDescription
Host computer nameThe name of the host.
Operating systemThe operating system of the host.
Last scannedThe date of the most recent update of the reported data.
Virtual machinesThe number or virtual machines installed on the host.
Processor typeThe processor type of the host.
ProcessorsThe number of processors of the host.
Cores/processorThe number of cores per processor.

Virtual machines

The Virtual machines tab shows information on the VMs that are connected to the datacenter.

Field labelDescription
Host computer nameThe name of the VM host
Virtual machineThe name of the virtual machine.
Operating systemThe operating system of the virtual machine.
Last scannedThe date of the most recent update of the reported data.
Power stateShows the power state of the virtual machine: PoweredOn, PoweredOff, or Unknown.
ProcessorsThe number of processors of the virtual machine, if inventoried.
Cores/processorThe number of cores per processor of the virtual machine, if inventoried.
InventoriedShows if the virtual machine is inventoried or not.


The Features tab is only available for auto-generated VMware datacenters. The tab shows information on the installed VMware product features.

Field labelDescription
Server nameThe name of the server where the VMware feature is installed.
NameThe name of the VMware feature.
License requiredShows if the VMware feature requires a license or not (Yes
ActiveShows if the VMware feature is enabled or not (Yes


The Oracle tab is only available for datacenters with Oracle products installed. The tab shows information on Oracle database products and associated Oracle orders.

Refer to the table below for field descriptions of the Oracle Databases.

Field labelDescription
Computer nameThe name of the computer with installed Oracle products.
DatabaseThe name of the Oracle database.
Instance nameThe name of the Oracle instance.
Product nameThe name of the Oracle product.
VersionThe version of the Oracle product.

Refer to the table below for field descriptions of the Oracle Orders.

Field labelDescription
Computer nameThe name of the computer with installed Oracle products.
Order nameThe name of the Oracle order.
Oracle order numberThe order number of the Oracle order.
Product nameThe name of the Oracle product on the Oracle order.
CSIThe Oracle Customer Support Identifier number is a unique, numerical number assigned to the products and quantities within an original license agreement.
MetricThe metric describes the licensing conditions and is the unit of measure for the application.