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This changelog describes updates to the product information with relevant product releases.

DateProduct versionDetails
2025-01-31Not related to a releaseRetrieved data table updated for Name section.
2023-12-12Not related to a release
  • The Preparations section has been updated and moved as a sub-section under Configure the Amazon AWS Discovery connector.
  • Reworked the topics and editorial updates made to the user guide.
2022-09-28Snow Integration manager 5.44Retrieved information: Added Identity, BIOS, and SIM tables to this section.
2022-02-09Snow Integration Manager 5.38Removed Introduction topic and moved Prerequisites to the Preparations topic.
2022-01-05Not related to a releaseAdded descriptions to the front page of Amazon AWS Discovery.
2021-10-06Snow Integration Manager 5.34Updated connector configuration to include proxies and login region.